Application Architect/Sr. Full Stack Developer
Wilshire Media Group / CBS (West Los Angeles, CA)
Developed (Built for CBS Network Radio 2.0)
Developed an advanced WinCE Application(VB.NET/CE) that uses a wireless handheld scanner to check if music CD’s were ripped (no duplicates) and placed in the database for users to build their own radio station by picking music from a vast library. I was the sole developer for this tool.
Radio stations sent all their CD’s (about 80,000 CD’s each) to CBS Warehouse to be ripped.
Used advanced techniques to optimize the web services(C#/SQL server) and all the associated SQL for three different databases, including serializing the cover image to overcome system compatibility/capability issues.
Over 3 million records as well as two other separate databases used for metadata and validated the Databases content like ITunes and All Music Guild.
Worked in a large group (about 26 Sr. level developers) developing the CBS RADIO 2.0 application, ( Worked on the Flash, Associated Web Services, Scale Out and ASP.NET in C#.
Optimized process to scale to the projected usage of 400,000 user hits per day.
Third application was a Thick Client VB.NET WinForms Application which performed complicated matching of files and database content, where human confirmation/edit, auto-correcting or decline match of items were reduced by 50% resulting in significant savings, reduced errors and increased throughput of process. The WinCE handheld scanner was integrated into the application as well,
The third application would validate data, rip the media, encode and set for streaming. The major client was CBS Radio 2.0, Play. IT, MySpace and AOL, which I had to interface with to test the app.
Environment: VB.NET, C#, WinForm, WinCE, WebServices, ASP.NET, SQL Server, Flash/ActionScript